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RE: Are Traditional Investments Dead?

in LeoFinancelast year

My opinions on traditional investments haven't changed so much as I have added crypto. I didn't want to change something that has worked amazingly well for me. I do deal in crypto, but, only with money that I am not counting on for anything.

I do day trading on the side and the profit from that is free money. (so to speak)

Emergency funds are so important, especially now in such uncertain times. I encourage my kids to put away 10% of their paychecks (even in High School) to a place where it can grow as an emergency fund. While it is not much money going in, it will be someday. That little bit rarely hurts.


I was always of the opinion that I wanted to have zero debt more than I wanted to have a ton of savings. My savings account suffered because of that. Even now when I don't have debt, it is still hard to get into that savings mindset. Especially since most of my investments just happen automatically.

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