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RE: Let's Get Physical

in LeoFinancelast year

Splinterlands assets make me happy, knowing we have the governance of the DAO to manage us and a community of people generally motivated to continue to improve the gameplay. Still no property for me and my other most valuable assets are also collectible trading cards - paper Magic the Gathering. I hate that the paper game is being controlled by a company that is destroying value for the collector in terms of chasing more corporate profits, so over time I am shifting that value from paper to decentralized blockchain as well.

Will I ever own property one day? I hope so... but first I will need to learn how to manage it, and improve on it to make sure I don't destroy it. And trying to stay in one place for an extended bit of time... always a scary proposition to me. Hopefully at least I pick a place that is exciting to others in case I need to rent it out to fund a new change of place.


You have been in Splinterlands from near the start, right?
I came in quite a bit later, so I still have a fair way to go to be comfortable that it is a good investment!! :D

Property is important, as regardless, we all need somewhere to live. For some, renting might be better, but I think even having a small property as a fallback position in worst case scenario, would be valuable. However, the non-physical assets of value, secured by blockchains and transparency are the future. Cut out the middlemen, lose the leeches.