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RE: Conveniently Costly

in LeoFinance5 months ago

have five day weekends, and two days of school and work instead.

Smallsteps is a genius! Why hadn't I thought of that?! In fact, I nearly had this kind of schedule when I first graduated with my master's in education. I was going to be an adjunct professor at the local community college and teach all three of my Algebra sections on Tuesdays & Thursdays. That would have been something for sure, although my salary for 12 hours as a part-time professor was about 2/3 as much as I eventually made as a full-time M-F middle school teacher (I switched positions 2 days before classes started and the rest is history).

Now that I am back in the classroom, I am rather enjoying the in-person work. I like building relationships with the students and my fellow teachers. Of course, as a teacher, I am constantly learning from those around me, teachers and students alike. I'm also happy for a very short commute, just a few blocks away -- less than a 5-minute walk from my apartment. The added exercise of getting out and walking around cannot be underestimated. Between that and the several flights of stairs to get to my 4th-floor school, I get about 6K steps per day that I otherwise wouldn't have if I was working from home. Love that for me!

Now to get back to those actifit posts on a regular cadence again. I've been completely off it since 2024 started, with only a few posts. Even my comments have been slipping, but it is time to get back on Hive in a meaningful way again!