Never stop learning

in LeoFinance4 months ago

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One of the hard truths that we might not want to accept but that happens to almost everybody is that good times create weak men. This is one of those things I found difficult to believe a few years ago, but as I grew, I realized that even good times don't only create weak men, Good times enable laziness. some people start their life strong, but immediately they encounter good and start enjoying some things their energy and zeal drop because they are not enjoying so much comfort, even though this doesn't happen to almost everybody, the truth is, it happens to almost everybody just because they experienced some comfort. It reduces their zeal and their drive.

this happens because we feel that we don't need a lot to survive anymore, especially when we can take care of ourselves and some people around us. We let our zeal drop, and the energy we put to work also drops. one of the most dangerous things that could happen to any man is to kill the curiosity and the eagerness that makes us learn new things. Most people lose this ability because they have experienced some comfort, your eagerness to learn new things just dies slowly, and they become uninterested in so many things that could have changed their lives.

Most people know how important it is to learn, but comfort makes us too tired, and we create excuses instead of doing the work.

Most successful people understand the importance of learning because some of them become so comfortable learning new things becomes very hard. We begin to make excuses for things that we should have done, things that, if for the fact that we were comfortable, we would have done them. We begin to give excuses, and After a while, we become empty, and we become so empty to the extent that we don't have any ideas anymore because we fail to train our minds. After all, one learning does is that it helps us with new ideas that could transform our lives.

When we stop learning we gradually become useless because a man with no new ideas and perspectives projects himself for failure, and it's a reality that we must accept. Comfort always gives us reasons not to learn, and instead of growing, we become stagnant. The position that comfort puts us in can be taken away when we choose not to improve or not to get better in the position that we find ourselves in, and that is why we must always give learning a chance because it enables us and lets us see life differently.

We live in a world with constant change, and if you choose not to learn, you gradually become relevant.

Learning makes us irreplaceable because we will be filled rather than empty but immediately, we choose not to learn and focus on things that have no value to us we gradually become relevant, we become replaceable, and this will only take away the comfort we enjoy. Leaning is mighty, we must never stop learning. It is one of the most important things in life.

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Thanks for your time.

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Things are always changing in life and you have to keep up with it. It's a long journey and you can never stop learning as there is always things to learn about.

Generally, we're either growing or declining. And I think learning helps us grow and become better. Without it, we usually enter a state of decline and start becoming irrelevant. Especially in this day and age, continuous learning is an important quality to build and posses.