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RE: Stablecoins Are Starting To Be A Focus

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Stable coin is making the difference here in Africa

My number one point is inflation. Using my country as a major example. Naira is not stable and most times the price of goods and services provided by people increasing on daily bases. With usdt I don’t have to worry about it and keeping my usdt keep me save.

The second part is the apr that banks can’t give me.

So many reasons actually

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For currencies like the Naira, it is smart to get out of them. It is like Venezuela and the Bolivar, those people got out of it, often using the USD. Stablecoins are able to help offset that because, at least with the ones "backed" by it, we are looking at a USD based asset.

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I thank God I came across usd because it has help in many ways our currency can’t

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do you have easy access to USDC ? Instead of USDT?
I don’t think they freeze funds.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta