
In the past, people go there to enquire whether the following year would be fruitful with bountiful harvest and to seek the god's face in their desires.

Do people still go there now?

This is a unique place that the attendees would love to visit


Some do, but Christianity is now in the heart of many

That's true.

Meaning the leaves never withers? Wow


A according to the native of the land

That's incredible, meaning it doesn't grow new leaves.

Nature is amazing.


That I can't tell. Or maybe the leaves renew after turning yellowish

Wow, this is amazing. The community are indeed blessed.

And that's the only tourist area in Kaduna south

They shouldn't abandon it likeoothers did to theirs.

I see the Nigerian Community on the Hive is so big. I think you can organize a hive fest by funding yourself. You will also get a chance to meet together.

The hive naija community actually does host a Meetup annually. Though i don't know for this year if there'll be any

It's true, if they made a post about it and were serious about it, I think it would go trending and they could use that to help support it, similar to Ghana borehole, but the problem might be many people are busy with work?

Wow I had no idea about this place. It looks pretty cool. Are you Hausa btw?

No, but I've stayed in the North most of my life

I guess I probably told you I studied Hausa for a few days. I don't know why I'm attracted to that language

Wow, you're going vast and you wouldn't find it difficult settling in the Northern part of Nigeria. I think Hausa language is easier compare to the other languages.

I just learned some words! Not even close to fluent! 😛

Hahaha. The basics are okay for now, beside you have no one to speak that with over there