Responding to @Acesontop: AskLeo, when and how did I become a monetized content creator

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I grew up familiar with social media that only guaranteed communication and entertainment, I never believed there could be an online platform that pays users for creating content. Though I was computer literate, I did not allow myself to engage in other activities outside what I knew. I remember arguing about platforms that pay users for engagement, we always see it as a scheming site because that was rampant around here in Nigeria Africa. We were afraid of committing to anything online, I preferred writing for pleasure than give myself to online blogging.

How It All Started
During the covid-19 lockdown, I got tired of staying idle at home earning nothing, joining hive introduced to me by a friend became a challenge because I don't believe in online blogging platforms but I had no choice but to give it a try. Shemzy who introduced me had shared a lot of testimony about hive and few details about how he had gotten tough moments on steemit but I was yet to believe the aspect where he said he was earning from the site. Reluctantly I opened an account for myself and I started almost immediately.


The Journey
It did not turn out well with my first two posts but I wasn't ready to quit just yet, I felt it was better doing something I could have faith for in the future than sitting and doing nothing. On my third post, I got a payout that put a smile on my face, that motivated me to make a post every day hoping it will get better, though it did I was having challenges with structuring English in stories that other countrymen could comprehend, and having positive engagement in other social application like discord, they were strange to me but I knew I will learn about them with time.


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When and how I became a monetized content creator
After my first week of blogging, I knew I was in the right place. My mindset about online blogging platforms that pay changed and I was opened to learning more, I joined many communities and contest to help me grow but stayed longer till now with the inkwell community to help me improve my writing skill. Now I feel obliged to write each day saving for the future. A week ago, I was told about Leo finance, a dapp that rewards cryptocurrency, investment, and business-related writing with Leo token and I took the opportunity to make my first post which I made about $17 from it. I'm still learning because I recently realized how important staking can be and what it means and I have decided to stake more Leo in my hive engine token wallet. Now I'm a full monetized content creator on hive and Leo but I'm giving myself time to learn so I could give more to the platform.

This was when and how I became a monetized content creator


Interesting journey you had on hive and Leo so far, I hope you will continue to have a good time here on hive

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks and I hope so too, the more I learn is the more I strive. I appreciate your comment

I can't find any new contest

Check my blog. There are plenty contest I reblogged