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RE: Web 3.0: Jack Dorsey Is Right About VCs

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I was looking at the price action of the LEO token yesterday and it's only on a couple thousand portfolios on Coingecko and is doing so well that it's astonishing that VCs haven't latched onto it yet. Maybe the fact that they haven't latched onto LEO is a positive sign that they don't want to mess around too much with genuine web 3.0 communities that are emmerging because they know they have no place here?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The funny thing about LEO is that LEO has DEEP DEEP liquidity.
A VC throwing like $10M at LEO would jack up the price like x10 but they'd also get a huge percentage of the tokens.

The think VCs stay away from things like Hive and LEO because they no that no matter how much money they put in they can't control the project like they want to.