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RE: Modularity & The Pyramid of Development

in LeoFinance2 years ago

we're hoping for the consensus of people who prefer smart contracts over politicians and central authority and I think we're going to find out pretty soon how the other side of the equation feels.

IE. It's not going to be good for us. Our government willingly drops bombs on brown children abroad and covers it up very efficiently. We will never hear about what air strikes murdered schools and hospitals. It will never appear anywhere online either.

And we think that consensus amongst enligtened nerds on the internet will change these people's absent hearts?

Look - I personally know spooks and not in an autistic-schizo way. They are bad people who justify doing bad things to good people because they can. Consensus is not going to win over these people. I am more than happy to keep chipping away at their regime, but we're never going to win. Not in our lifetimes. It's just the truth and it sucks.