My Experience in Cub Finance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Hey, @eddiespino from the @aliento project here!

It's been a crazy couple of days! I was very excited about the launch of Cub Finance. I was not sure if I would participate right away or wait for the airdrop, and I was also swamped at the time it launched, but I'm happy I found the time and decided to buy some CUB, BNB, and BUSD. I already had some BNB because I had been farming in Pancake Swap.

Here is a tutorial that I made about that, it's only in Spanish, though. I removed the liquidity from all the pools and moved everything to CUB Finance, and it was a great decision!


After making some exchanges and providing liquidity my first impression was...


...this is so damn fast!

The gif above is not at high speed!

I made like 5 USD in the first couple of hours, and I decided to buy more CUB and more BNB. I'm not sure how much I invested (I think that less than 500 USD), it's hard to tell because I cannot see the LP tokens' worth, or I still don't know how to check it.

I went to sleep and I woke up with...


...100 USD on my account!!

Rewards and the APR have been going down as more people have joined the pools, and also many are selling the CUBs they have won. Even with that, I was able to make around 50 dollars today after reinvesting my winnings. Still not bad.

I'm still learning. This is exciting and also a little bit stressful. Sometimes I do not know what to do, but so far, I think that things are going well, today BNB has been going up, and that's cool because some of the Farms where I'm getting CUB use BNB.

These are my current Farms and Rewards


I started this "round" less than two hours ago.



This is the current price of CUB. I've seen it at 4.00 and 13.00, so everything can happen.

If you wanna read a very cool and complete guide, I invite you to check this tutorial by my good friend @andrewmusic:

How To Invest In Cub Finance - Tutorial [ESP|ENG]



Check out the @Aliento Project

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Dilo will be quite happy to eat coconut cookies with part of the farm's profits.
If all goes well, in a while it may reach 50 USD the CUB, you never know.
Thanks for the mention, really that tutorial had not been possible without your help.
Have a nice night Eddi.

With the profits, we will keep buying Dilo's food which is quite expensive, haha.

Thank you, Andrew!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

really awesome job man!! i hope long term the price of cub will keep on increasing!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope that the price keeps rising or at least is steady enough. Thank you!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

me too! i want at least to be steady at 1$!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very nice! Congrats on farming already!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you! It was a great decision after all!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

CUB is crazily good!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cool post! Did anyone receive their airdrop yet by the way? And where is the UI to wrap CUB HE to CUB?

I've made close to $30 in 24hours (still tolling the safe path). I plan to join the liquidity pool soon. I think there is still a huge opportunity to make some insane gains. Esp within the next 30days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Excellent Eddie, and of course I will read the guide on how to invest as I'm a bit behind with this, hope I'm not too late.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is incredible the amount of earnings and especially in a short time, imagine after a year with that margin or why not with a CUB above $10, it would be crazy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta