I gots tha coof!

in LeoFinancelast year


I like to write a blog post every day.
It's like a tradition at this point.
In fact I'm told that I wrote exactly 365 posts last year.
An average of exactly once per day.

Recently I haven't been hitting this target.
First there was Christmas.
I find it difficult to write on the road.
And then my nephew got me sick.
Him and his grubby little hands.
Kids are gross, oh well.

And then yesterday I was feeling very odd.
Just very out of it and my cough came back.
Too be fair I haven't been taking the greatest care of myself.
Then I realized at 2 PM I hadn't drank any coffee.
Could this be the worst caffeine withdrawal ever?
I had a few cups and felt a little better but still off.

Then I wake up this morning with a fever.
Hm that's not good.
A fever was not on the itinerary of a mild cold a week later.
Long story short I have now tested positive for the covids.
Makes sense.
This is exactly how I felt in February 2020.
So strange that I likely got it before the freak-out happened in March.

Covid-19 is such a weird virus.
Been loopy for two days.
I hear it hits everyone different.
So I guess I'm one of the lucky ones.
It's quite mild.
I've had common colds much worse than this.

I usually get sick one a year.
Now I've been sick three times since October.
Very annoying.
But then again my diet and exercise schedule is...
shall we say: lacking.
My immune system isn't the greatest right now.

In any case I just wanted to write something today.
Tired of skipping days.
Even if I do have the coofs.
Bored bored bored.
Just sitting in bed while my household goes into panic mode.
My cat isn't allowed to hang out because she might get the coof.
She's clawing at the door and meowing as I type this.
Okay I'm done.
Maybe I'll write a real one later today if I'm restless enough.
But I doubt it.

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You need to detox bro. That's probably why you're sick.

Here's something good to watch while you're laying in bed: The Universal Antidote

I mean I eat too much fast food and takeout and get zero exercise.
Certainly a change could be made.

You should join @actifit and aim to walk 10 km Per day … I haven’t had a cold in 4 years since joining Actifit … and walking 10 km per day. Maybe it’s all that fresh air, oxygen, and Vitamin D too. Thanks to Hive and Actifit

WDYM! Gaming is not exercising?! Are we all doomed?! I used to go to take a swim in WoW instead of going to the local beach.

Hope you get better soon.

Why eat in real life when I can eat a mana biscuit?

Exactly! haha

What did you expect then?

six pack abs and a billion dollars

You know whats better than a 6-pack? A beertender

Damn...sorry to hear 'bout the coofs. Hope you get better soon. Just Get Down With the Sickness lol

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something something mommy get ready to die

Very sorry. The cat may catch it! Wow.

Hope this bug is history soon.

Yeah, that thing knocked me on my ass last year. Haven't had it since although there's all this other shit going around too so who knows? Drink a lot of water and rest. Really no way out but through. Hang in there.

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Hope you feel better soon!

Awe poor kitty, they just want their buddy 😭 idk why, but that’s so touching to me 💕cats are cool people 😁

Get well mate. Had it last week. this time it was really mild. But we are in skyrocketing of new infections and a lot of new strains. And the hospitalization are trending uo

Gett well soon.
And afterwards, take care more about your body. Treat him well, you have only this one!

I was trying to keep that rhythm of one publication per day but I also got covid and it wasn't until yesterday that I am recovering my taste and smell I hope you recover soon but the discomfort does not play cart.

I wish you get over your cold and be well soon.

Get well soon!

Get well soon.

I hope everyone else at your home is safe as covid is contagious.
You got mold covid 🤔. Perhaps anti bodies made in reaction to those colds might be of some help.
Anyways, good wishes for your health

Get well soon!

My wife and I got it right during Christmas week; this cursed Covid is really a strange virus!

We were in bed for about four days with cough fever and pain and think a couple of days before I healed I started not smelling lol!

I wish you all the best and look forward to your next posts!

Feel better soon Edicted! We need your articles 💪

Very extraordinary article. How are you today friends.

Get well soon.


- EvM


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Get well! Hope it is mild and you recover quickly.

Feel better man! Got more to say but I’ll leave it at that lol

Get well soon, try not to get reinfected again in the near future, although it's gonna be tough with one variant popping after the other. The acute phase may be mild for most, the data piling up for what follows after, not so good.

Get better soon

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I share a similar experience. I also observe that every December I get sick. Last year, after Christmas. This year, it was before Christmas. Hopefully, it will be different this 2023. I wish the same for you.



Posted Using LeoFinance Beta