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RE: AI Generated Publications Should Be Considered Fraud on Hive. Here's Why...

in LeoFinancelast year
That's kind of like trying to say Ghost Writers are fraud.

Almost exactly the same concept. (Except AI is free... sometimes)
They aren't though.

Hive will have to adapt to this circumstance just like everyone else.

Are you really worried though?

Do you think boring AI is going to captivate everyone's attention within the attention economy while people who are actually trying get put to pasture? I'm not seeing it.

What if I created a game built on Hive using AI and encouraged other users to come help me build it using AI as well? No one's going to give two shits in that case that AI is used, in fact it will be celebrated.

I think what all these people on Hive are really saying in a roundabout way is that pretty much all rewards paid out through blogging aren't inherently worth any value. What ever happened to "work smart not hard"? Did work just get much easier and now people are complaining? It's like my grandma complaining about potato peelers because she can do it much faster and more efficiently with a knife.


I will admit that I double downvoted someone a few weeks ago for using AI generated comments and then lying about it.

That shit pissed me off.

So I'm a little on board with what you are saying but there are many caveats.
For example I've enjoyed using AI generated pictures in my own blog.
There are many vectors to come at this issue from.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Would you curate content on Hive that is 100% created by AI?

Oh and I will change my take on the matter discussed in the post when some AI will be able to "do Edicted".


I guess it depends on how much value the content has to me.
Probably not? I assume.
But that has nothing to do with how the content was generated.
Only the end result.