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RE: Vaporizing Money

in LeoFinance2 years ago

The weird thing about the whole China situation is... okay so they have this CBDC... but then everyone immediately acts like this CBDC is the only option. What happed to the CNY? What happened to traditional bank accounts? What happened to crypto? What happened to gold and silver (even if it's just in the form of jewelry)?

These things do not get built and then suddenly exist in a bubble of absolute control.
It would take a decade of insanity for any of this to come to pass.
But people act like today is the threat.
This is Agenda 2030 type shit.
That gives us an entire decade to build something better.
Crypto is just getting started there will be many surprises and upsets.


Half of me subscribes to all of that but the other half is wondering why is this thing an agenda for so long and why its fulfilling steps are so obvious...

Agenda 2030 is the centralized solution to the problem.
If crypto fails that's what we are going to get.
The world is breaking down, and actions need to be taken, one way or the other.
Simply ignoring the problem and carrying on is not an option, but many seem to think it is.
Chickens are coming home to roost.

The weird thing about the whole China situation is... okay so they have this CBDC... but then everyone immediately acts like this CBDC is the only option. What happed to the CNY?

Creating the CBDC is only an early step. Sooner or later, the CBDC is brought online and rolled out within a region's borders. For a while other forms of money will coexist with it only because it takes time both to gain universal acceptance and to replace other forms of money. At some point, physical money will be phased out, demonetized, or outright outlawed. Cryptocurrency will be the final competitor to CBDCs, and those controlling the CBDCs have armies to back them up when they try to take out cryptocurrencies.

Government solutions may begin as additional choices for the people, but over time they tend to become the only choice allowed to the people. CBDCs will follow that path.

We have time before CBDCs overtake cryptocurrency. Even if CBDCs ultimately win, the cost of that victory must be made as dear and as expensive as possible.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta