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RE: XRP wins "LANDMARK" case against SEC

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Lawyers only cost $1000 an hour if you're a pleb that can't afford to buy in bulk and the hours are low but the specialty is high. Those are the kinds of prices people pay to the best criminal lawyers to keep them out of jail. Not for some paper-pushing SEC case.

But yeah circling back to the main point: yes XRP could turn out to be pretty good if the right circumstances present themselves. Until then I remain extremely skeptical.


Totally fair to be skeptical. What type of circumstance do you mean? Something to do with the technology itself or more the funds allocations?

Hm no just the ecosystem as a whole would have to prove itself legitimate.
Basically it's all about job and wealth creation.
Any crypto that can't actually build a circular economy will get left in the dust.
Most won't.
Until people get paid directly for their labor in crypto I'm not impressed.
As far as I know only Bitcoin and Hive really done that in any significant capacity.
And Bitcoin is going to have major scaling and deflation challenges.