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RE: PowerDown Debacle

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Is that worth the risk though? The same could be said if someone hacks a bitcoin wallet and extracts the funds you need to be careful and protective of your wallet keys and funds.

Yes, it's worth it x1000 times over.

Just wait, there are going to be massive hacks within the next year as crypto moons and all of a sudden the honeypots increase in size exponentially. Hive is a place users can go to in order to avoid all fears of being hacked... even if you get hacked you can change your key, and even if the owner key gets hacked there is account recovery. Undermining owner key security and the recovery process is such a foolish short-sighted plan.

Here's what's would happen:

We undermine owner key security... a bunch of people get hacked, and we realize we fucked up and we have to change it back. This is exactly why we are rolling back the EIP in HF25. The convergent curve was idiotic. Curation mechanics were always doomed and broken. I'm just glad the powers that be actually figured that out.

Just because security isn't a big deal now doesn't mean it won't be going forward. There's going to be a point where investors are looking for the most secure places possible to store there assets, and Hive is at the top of that list with the owner key, account recovery, and proper time-locks.


Honestly very good points and thank you for taking the time to bring them up and show the other side of things. Appreciate that.

What takes hive to the next level?
As you said DeFi, NFTs, etc.
Why haven't these things been worked on. Is it a lack of Hives capabilities or too complicated for existing dev teams?

I seriously want to see development happening but it just feels like it's not at the moment. I could be wrong though and I'd love to put a team together and knock some of this out if possible. There's plenty of money in the DAO to hire on some devs and make a NFT marketplace for Hive games something like wax has or to build a DeFi platform or a better swap so it's easier to get your hands on Hive. So many things that can and should be done but personally I don't know who to vote for and what to support to get those things in motion.

Cost is a big issue. Hive people are scrappy as fuck. We don't want to bloat the nodes and make them more expensive to run. Graphene/Condenser are already a heinous clusterfuck with shit documentation. We've been spending countless work-hours just trying to clean up this spaghetti factory of hackish bullshit.

At the core of it all we just need more money and devs.
I think we are going to make huge strides during the peak of the next mega-bull run.
Hopefully Q4 of this year.

Sweet, good to know going to do my part no matter how big or small it might be as I believe in the very real capabilities of it. Thanks for all the deets Edicted