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RE: Binance FUD Ramps up.

in LeoFinancelast year

Credit cards and debt slavery are ironically quite disconnected from each other.
I was able to dig a $10k credit card debt hole and pay none of it back.
I was not enslaved by this debt; I simply ignored it and it went away.

Real debt slavery comes from things like Mortgage payments.
Mortgage literally means ‘dead pledge’ (IE: you promise to pay back till death).

Debt slavery also comes from simply holding USD.
If you hold USD you hold the debt, and that debt loses value over time.
So having money in the bank, something that is considered by most as a good thing because you aren't technically in debt: ends up being debt slavery.


Oh, this is an eye-opening response.

All these while I had read different meanings to your bio.

Thanks for clarifying this.