
That’s very nice. So minimum of the (median hourly price)

Yeah I think the most confusing part of understanding this is that the number used to calculate the final_price Hive cost of the HBD isn't just a median average... it's a median average of list of median averages. It's a weird two dimensional nested average which isn't explicitly stated. It's also a bit weird to think that the hourly averages get aggregated over 1200 blocks of data and then those 1200 blocks of data basically get trashed to save disk-space and RAM.

What’s the source of the price data? Is that vulnerable for hacking attack? (Corrupt the price data)

Ah the source is the witness feed.

So yeah the people who run Hive could hack the data quite easily, but it would be painfully obvious and they'd lose their position as a consensus witness, basically losing all reputation and all the block rewards. Of all possible attack vectors this is the one I'm worried the least about.

Whale votes are several thousand times more powerful than plebeian votes. The witnesses could manipulate the price for the benefit of whales without repercussion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is... wildly incorrect for a lot of scattered reasons.

Do the game theory on it and show me how it would actually happen.
The generic possibility of such a thing happening is pointless compared to materializing in reality.

First of all: who benefits from the scam? It's it's like 10 or 20 accounts it won't work. Too many stakeholders would oppose it. Then we have to consider that the value of Hive will collapse to zero which is a bigger loss than any possible gain from the scam. Then we have to factor in the idea that systemic failure will just lead to another hardfork were all the attackers lose their money permanently.

I'm fairly confident that the way you think this could happen absolutely 100% can not happen the way you're assuming.
