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RE: Data and thoughts on votes in LeoFinance

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Trending in general I like, but isn't trending at HIVE usually those users with large amounts of auto voters on their posts?
I have little experience with getting into HOT and TRENDING. What noticed a few times when a post of mine got a bit further up, is a whole bunch of additional votes from users I never see on my posts or comments section. I stopped looking at TRENDING more than three years ago. HOT as well. They can skip both of them since they not helping in spreading the rewards to the quality posts on-chain.

The tag is a good idea indeed. But as you also stated: Not easy to change the minds of devs. For instance, I like all the blogging UIs to integrate hivesearcher. But none of them did, except Ececny, the creators of hivesearcher. I believe it was the PeakD team mentioning last HIVEfest" a search function is on the list, but our users are not requesting it. Well, I believe many don't know that a search function already exists, and two, users need to be pushed the search function into their face and slowly they will start using it. Such a shame super posts gets totally lost after a few days already. But also on this front, super easy to integrate, but none dev team does it.


It is kind of absurd so many minds are working on projects, but rarely ever make them play nice with each other. It's so awkward to have to leave a site just to enter in a search where the results take you right back to the site you just left. Just plug in the code and move on. Every advancement is connected in a way where everyone benefits indirectly, but so many want more to themselves. That's life though. You could tell your neighbor it would be wise to chop down that tree for ten years before it finally falls on his house. Then he wants your help to clean it up.

Hahahaha you hit the nail! All this: "we want to do everything ourselves" problem, becomes so clear in the decentralised world of HIVE. No managers to listen to. Maybe some leaders, but they have difficulties being followed.