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RE: How's Your "Crypto-Life Balance"?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Speaking of superhero there's a cool series called The Boys. I don't hang out on Twitter but if they start having superheroes I might come back haha. I am such a mess of an individual the only way of can be productive is to take a military approach to it, otherwise I get caught In the midst of creativity. I remember in 2018 I would spend 4 hours on a video or a post non stop. Like dude wtf!! After that during the bear run I eventually earnt fiat again joining companies and everyone saw me as the crazy dude talking about btc like I was the Bitconnect dude. I learnt a valuable lesson while being on the fiat side of the fence. Once the crypto bug bit you, you don't come back from it and go on with your life


Haha, I wouldn't call them superheroes with the laser eyes! Unless you call "shills" superheroes haha! Well mate, that's the best way of doing it. I'm trying to provide some structure to my days but fitting in that around the 8 hours for the 9-5 job is proving a challenge! I might just have to get up earlier to hammer out a few drafts for posts! All original baby!

LOL I know mate, 4 hours for a simple post and you're like, "I need to think about my life here"! Exactly the same! I try not to talk about crypto other than with crypto people for those very reasons! It's tough to experience sometimes but stick to your aims, we'll all meet up in one big crypto party one day and it's going to be immense!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh no super shills, I am running away from shills, they are everywhere!

I might just have to get up earlier to hammer out a few drafts for posts! All original baby!

Don't you wanna film yourself one of these days and show your though process?

we'll all meet up in one big crypto party one day and it's going to be immense!

And we will splurge all our crypto on the non cryptos people, saying "drinks on me Muggle" 😁