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RE: Things To Avoid As A Beginner Or Newbie In Cryptocurrency And Forex Trading

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Everyone should be weary of get rich scheme.... They mostly end badly

Also we need to do our own research before venturing into part of cryptocurrency... It will reduce the loses we ought to run into

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Most newbie just want to become millionaire in a day forgetting that Rome wasn't built in a day, I hope they learn something from my post.

Most newbie just want to become millionaire in a day forgetting that Rome wasn't built in a day,

Hahahahahahaha.... You cannot blame them, they needed money in the first place

I hope they learn something from my post

I hope so too, mate

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I won't blame them tho, I have been a victim before and I really learnt my lesson the hard way 😆😆😆. That's the reason am putting this out there so those who see won't fall victim.

I won't blame them tho, I have been a victim before and I really learnt my lesson the hard way 😆😆😆. That's the reason am putting this out there so those who see won't fall victim.

😂😂😂 Experience speaks louder

Sorry about your hard lessons.... But I give you an applaud for trying to save your successors from repeating your mistakes

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Thanks mate 👍🏼, I hope people who need to see it, get to see on time. I wish I could promote to reach a much larger audience.