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RE: LeoThread 2024-03-05 17:40

in LeoFinance3 months ago

Today David got some homework!

Decorate an egg from a recycling cardboard the teacher gave us. We could use whatever in our house to paint or decorate!

The result :)


This is cute, David did this, that's so creative of him

I drew the lines and he painted and choose the colours lol

Ohhhk okay, but same time he did a good and nice painting

I thought you son was in college.

$100K for that education? I knew it declined but I didnt know it fell that much.

Ahaha he's still in preschool lolol
But I'm in hopes to have a ton of $HBD in savings until he goes to college

Tell him to become a plumber. At least those will be in demand.

We used acrylic paint, wax pens and felt tip pens. I cut some circles from a cookie box. And of course the classic, pasta!

We might paint the pasta if David approves it lol