Cryptocurrency is the new future

in LeoFinancelast month

Crypto earnings, trading, investment

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If someone had told me at one point in time of my life that was going to be involved with anything that has to do with cryptocurrency, I would have told the person to go back and take a deep nap because he saw that particular vision or dreams wrongly.

I mean, I felt like many that anything that had to do with online was a scam, so I never bothered about wanting to know more about it even when people gave me the ideas on a platter of gold. I would still tell you a big NO to your face and tell you to damn the information and ideas because they weren't real.

Thankfully, we've got enough information now, and we rarely meet people who still think that cryptocurrency is a scam or a lie, including very young guys, obviously in our age, cryptocurrency earning, trading, and investment is the future for everyone.

Everyone wants to be up and doing in the crypto world either as an earner, like I am, or as a trader or both, and also we have those who just want to invest and get their interest while someone oversees the whole frontend affair for them but whatever is the case, the news is everywhere and nobody wants to be left out in the big future.

Even though the Government has banned banks from getting involved with cryptocurrency accounts and they are mandated to cease or block accounts of those who are involved in cryptocurrency exchange, in their word, "To help curtail cyber crime the truth remains that those who are involved in it, would always look for a way around it because that is what they believe in.

Give people something to believe in and watch them strain to make sure whatever they believe in is standing the test of time because zillions of people are coming to the limelight, and coming to the knowledge and have seen evidence of the future of cryptocurrency, how lucrative it is and the turn around in just a few years from now, it is going to be a hard thing to bury cryptocurrency in the ground and act like they do not exist.

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You would think it is only the youth who are aware of what cryptocurrency is all about and its weight until I met who mother who was encouraging her son to buckle up and learn all there is to learn, so he can stand on his own and also be careful because of the search warrant on the young men in my state and country.

Well if I am not mistaken, I think with the vast knowledge about cryptocurrency now, our town's economy is in a good place because even some coins now deal with trading and using their coin as a means of exchange in the market place and this shows a lot of improvement because of how wide this coin has cut across.

So I think that the question now should be, how can we let the government and those seated at the top that cryptocurrency has come to stay, so it can be a world-spread means of exchange for as many who are willing and believe in it because many are Hodling as many promising coins in the crypto world and them banning this is a wrong decision.

For now, earning on Hive and Hodling a few coins are the only things I am into because I am starting this journey new and web3 is my only source of income because in this part of the world where I live, it is hard to make ends meet, it is hard to get a monthly paying jobs as a student.

So, I am all into crypto, living web3 and it is my only source of earning, I plan on developing a strategy In staying in the system and managing my crypto but for now, not had a deep thought about it, so I think it has to be one step at a time until I am on my both footing and balanced.

This is my response to today's daily May Inleo Initiative Day 11 prompt, participate, let's have your ideas too.

Thank you for reading!!!

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