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RE: I stepped on my ego and completely rebuilt my portfolio

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I told you this a few times already. But I think I should reminder to you again.

Don't go all in/all out from projects, it's better to DCA.
However, everyone has his own strategy, so in the end is up to you.

Slow money always wins in the long term, remember. Don't underestimate ETH and BTC.

(The real value of BTC is 'infinite' in the long term anyway).

Good luck! :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Thanks. Some gambling tendencies of mine seem to have an impact on investing as well. I don't underestimate ETH at all.

I consider that BTC and ETH deserve indeed their no.1 and 2 spot on the charts. I feel like there's a lot of potential in UNI though and consider that I picked it in its early stages.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Just in case!

I agree that UNI has a long term very interesting potential. What I'm only saying is, let's say that you want to sell some. Don't do it a big chunk, sell 10-20% when you have the urge to sell (unless a black swan event or something catastrophic happens, of course) :)

Agree 100%. I did FOMO I know, not planning on dumping all at once of course and I'll probably started DCA at around $100 per coin.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta