Crazy Financial Events The World is Waiting For

in LeoFinance6 months ago


There are some events that will alter the globally financial space, at least in the medium term should they see the light of day. We love to speculate over them, and treat them like they are inevitable, or at least a lot closer than some of us care to give credit. I wonder though, Just how many of us have actually given much thought to the fact that these events could happen, and the impact would inevitably affect us. Without adding to much, here are a few events that could shape our financial space.

China's Collapse

It seems many people want to see China's economic model collapse out of spite or out of pride. One thing is for sure, the Chinese deserve all the credit so far for keeping the model running and achieving growth aims. However many experts don't see this miracle continuing too far into the future. If and when that inevitable collapse does happen, it would have devastating consequences for the World. I personally don't think that China could devolve to such a state that it experiences a Soviet like collapse of its structure, but that's just me. Nothing indeed lasts forever. It will be interesting seeing how the next couple of years shape up.

Global Recession

Well, we've seen this one a couple of times. This is the most likely to occur out of all listed events and certainly the one with the most devastating impact globally. A number of factors could cause a global Recession. Some are somewhat expected like a real estate crisis, but very few can predict a scenario like Covid that rocked the World. The crisis could occur from Just about anywhere, but the main question is how prepared we are for a major economic event rocking us yet again. It'll bring me to the next major event that many of us in the crypto space anticipate.

Crypto Bloom

This is one many of us in the space hope for. A crypto Bloom is something that we'll all like to see, but also experinece as stakeholders as it means we get to experience parts of that stake. However, a Bloom for me goes beyond prices. It means a wider acceptance of the crypto space way beyond what we currently experience. What may spike such a Bloom, I have no idea. One thing I do know for sure is that when the time comes the impact will be massive.


I think we're already in a global recession, the governments/banks/media/etc. just don't want to SAY it because that might cause "panic" and for people to be more careful with their money, when what they want is for people to spend. But everyone (pretty much) is struggling with even the basics of groceries at inflated prices, and inflated rents, and can't afford to buy a house, etc., and if that's not a recession, what is?

I do hope a crypto bloom happens, I think it's one way we can take some power back from all of that, anyway.

I don't know about China. I think, as you say, a lot of people WANT to see it go down out of spite. Here in the US there is so much anti-China propaganda, I just don't trust anything the media says. They're demonized the same way the USSR was demonized in the 80s when I was a kid. So maybe they're in trouble, or maybe they're doing great, I genuinely don't know.

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