Stumbling on Happiness

in LeoFinance5 months ago


Today's society places a premium on our emotions. Being happy is almost seen as the ultimate goal for the lot of us. I can't fault those who want hapineess for themselves, as life can be terribly stressful and overwhelming. I will choose to be happy whenever the choice is presented before me, but sometimes there are often prices paid in the execution of such choices. The very temporary nature of emotions come into full display when we pre decide on attaining a happy state all the time.

Why am I telling you this you may ask? It is because I am currently not happy. Am not depressed or anything, but the shock from change along with unprecedented physical and financial strain lately has taken its toll on me. As of now, I could do with a healthy dose of happiness in my life. At the same time, I see myself a lot more resilient than I've probably ever been. I just believe there is a purpose to all the stress am currently feeling and that keeps me going. What's more I've built up resilience from having faced certain difficulties in the past so I know that going through stress also creates a pathway for growth.

Hapineess is not a given, but an achievement. It is also not something we should linger too much on. There are more satisfying ways to live, and I believe satisfaction and meaning should be what we strive for. I personally enjoy the simple things such as sleeping, taking a run or just talking with people am comfortable with. I also like routine that many people have categorised as boring and soul sucking. There is a comfort that comes with doing something over and over. It certainly gives a unique sense of meaning in its own way.

If in the things we do moments of excitement and happiness emerge then we should embrace them and consider ourselves blessed. If not, am all for making the best of every situation and finding the things that genuinely give a sense of fulfillment.


Finding meaning and satisfaction beyond just fleeting happiness is really important. I also find comfort in routine and simple joys like chatting with friends or a good workout hehehe !ALIVE