Work and Welfare


As much as I don't find my job the most exciting in the World (I like my office and the people, not necessarily the actual work), I still can't imagine a scenario where I'd ever get comfortable not working or trying to make a living. I think before any other things I'd simply be bored to death. Of course there is also a difference between having a job and making a living.

Many of us complain about our work environment, but are reluctant to seek change. The biggest reason is that the pay is great, or at least it covers the bills. It gets to a point where those bills can pile up so bad that we're willing to do just about anything in order to clear them up. I embraced it as part of growing up. Yet I also believe that if people can know genuinely what they want from an early stage, they could eventually figure out ways to make their passions profitable over the course of time.

The third scenario is choosing not to work at all. I can't relate to this but it does happen. People live off welfare. I think you first have to be lucky enough to find yourself in a state that actually cares about the welfare of its citizens. Yet taking the welfare option shouldn't be the first point of call for us. Most people have really hard lives and some even have disabilities, those are quite understandable. What is unacceptable is the deliberate gaming of the welfare system to our own advantage.

It makes me concerned about the future of work, especially with the rise of AI and all. However, am sure when we all properly define what work truly is it would be easier to adapt. We may not all have jobs that can sustain a living, but by every means we should all embrace work and actively contributing to society.