Hobby Collecting: The Four Aces

in LeoFinance3 years ago

         And I have done it! The set of silver pieces I've talked about months back is finally complete. The last piece of the puzzle was the ace of clubs.

         On paper, a 10-ounce piece is not an astronomical sum. But, given the budget constraint when there are so many other assets out there, it took a bit of juggling.

         At the time of this post, the spot price for silver is around $25.49 per ounce. With premiums and whatnot, such piece goes for $300 on the market.

         Nevertheless, here is the entire set:

         It's possible that I may one day see the rest of the deck in the same art style down the road. If I do, I may try and see if I could collect them all. It's somewhat humorous to picture playing poker with family using a deck of pure silver "cards". Now, imagine trying to shuffle them. Chances are, this mini-set might end up as a family heirloom. Well, that's a long ways down the road.

         What's next? I will shift my resources back to smaller and more bland looking bars. I'd rather sell those than the more artistic pieces. The good news is, there are definitely cool looking pieces that are less than 10 ounces out there.

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Thanks for showing us the four-of-kind, @enforcer48. I'd like to see the deck of cards they came from.

I have no idea where the original design came from, but maybe I'll look around.

I guess they would get scratched up if you would actually play with them but if I had them I couldn't resist the temptation :)

If I had the full 52 + 2 jokers, I might give it a shot.

Awesome, @enforcer!!!!

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It took a few months.

Congrats @enforcer48! It was worth the wait!

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That is awesome. Congrats on your acquisition! I really like the detail in the center pieces on those. Neat stuff!

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The details are a plus.

Some people fromm the future got rich because their grand dad bought Bitcoin early, and some just had an expensive hobby with a heirloom to show.

Ngl, those designs look sexy.

They look good. That's why I got them.

Those are beautiful. Fun “investment”.
Are you gonna get a felt picture frame or something for them?

Nah. Probably just hide them away for now.

Cheeeez, every comment of yours reminds me of dumb Star Wars cards I purchased when I was a 25 year old kid 😬. I wish I had been into real silver at the time. Cards looked like silver. Had them stored away in a basement. Probably looking more like flat rusty turds by now.

Collectibles tend to require more care. You could say I chose silver because it's a bit more durable than most things.

Yes, wonderful feature. (Reminds me of a cast iron hobby I might develop/monetize.)

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WINE Current Market Price : 1.000 HIVE

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
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 3 years ago  Reveal Comment


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