Expansion of the Blockchain technology

in LeoFinancelast year



I find it very interesting to read information related to blockchain technology, we know that this technology is known thanks to its relationship or use in the cryptocurrency market, that is why when someone talks about blockchain technology surely in your mind will appear the word Bitcoin for being the main digital asset of this market, that is positive because it generates more interest in digital crypto assets.

Every day both countries and banking institutions seek to relate to blockchain technology especially when it is linked to cryptocurrency, the FED knows this and tries to somehow guide these banks in this regard, however, the experience will have and improve themselves, I see inevitable the arrival of the use of cryptocurrencies worldwide, and especially its blockchain technology, as it happens in the Caribbean country like the Dominican Republic, this nation has decided to use the blockchain technology in order to solve the problems of identification in that country.

It is a big step in technological innovation that has come to stay, through this technology in that country has launched a traceability system for consumer products such as alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, this in order to avoid two forms of crime in this nation such as tax evasion and illegal or illicit trade, This is another point in favor of the use of this type of technology, this use had already been discovered and put in mark in other countries, the relevant thing is to emphasize that it continues expanding progressively to the whole world, and the Dominican Republic has taken the step in this opportunity.

If there is something that should concern the authorities of a country is tax evasion and any other form of adulteration or fraud that jeopardizes the health of the economy of a country, and this has been the reason why this Caribbean country has put into practice this type of technology, when it comes to economic health is positive the implementation of any type of tool that helps to solve the deviations already indicated or specified.

The neighboring countries will have their eyes on the Dominican Republic and I am sure that these neighboring countries will begin to apply this new blockchain system with the same purpose that has begun to implement Dominican Republic, a point in favor for the cryptocurrency market that every day grows more, and is heading to the conquest of the financial interest of human beings, and by experience we know that when we begin to use a technology or financial investment in mass nothing stops us.