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RE: Buying Bitcoin Is Front Running The Money Printers

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Interesting thoughts about the M2, I didn't know they could be called that. When the EU money goes brrrrrrr....the money in Nigeria goes brrr brrrrrrrr brrrrrrrrrrrr brrrrrrrrrr and guess where it goes? Pockets of politicians and govt officials. 👏crazy isn't it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


LOL well when eveyeone is trying to remain competitive they all gotta print to keep up with the last guy abs since trickle down doesn’t work the ones closest to the printer pocket the gains!

It’s so crazy that we’ve allowed this to go on for so long and that we don’t question it every few people do, but they all too happy to participate

We’re all at fault really

My brother some who have tried to question it have gone missing 😂😂😂its not funny but..... Now everyone just murmurs in their corners

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta