
It alters the entire focus of the conversation.

You propose a centralized world which I disagree with. The future is moving in the other direction.

The challenge is that is one thing corporation and physical governments are going to be the structures of the future, then what happens if there is something completely different.

Another issue is that when you deal with networks, it again takes the conversation to another level. What happens when most people are finding autonomous agents that are housed in DAOs which are interconnected as being the basis for most of their activity.

But if you have no idea what the DAO is, then I can see why your point of view.

If we look at the last 40 years and see how the world changed due to the semiconductor, we can start the process of forecasting what the next few decades will look like.

This is where AI and robotics seem to be at point of massive acceleration. It was always happening but not at a noticeable level.

You propose a centralized world which I disagree with.

No, I did not propose it, and in fact, I detest it. I am over fifty and I observed what is also called "more centralization" instead of less. Our Currency, the Deutsch Mark was converted into the Euro, for example. On top of national governance we got the European Parlament. Small businesses vanish in favor of big businesses, one can go on and on with those kinds of examples. I wouldn't know how to counteract these developments, though I thought a lot about it.
DAO is a concept which still has to prove what you ascribe to it. We will see where it goes.