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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 22 - Saturday 28 May 2022 | HPUD - 1 June | Win EDS for Comments - everyone welcome!

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I have been adding to my hbd this week as well as CL so not a bad week over all. Not as many folks selling off as cheap as they have been smart on there part not so good for a bargain hunter like me. Thank you for the win always glad to add to my holdings.

Have to go shopping for tomato plants in the morning, the weather is just becoming warm enough now for them

Have a great week all




Good to hear your balcony garden is on the way 😍

it took them 6 months to get it done (yuck( but at least it is done


Goodness, that must have been frustrating!

Yes could not barbecue since since last September been driving me up a wall! lol

Oh, we want to do that this summer! What's your favourite barbecue food?

steak and baked potato with sliced onions, and fried onions on the side burner for the steak. What is yours best one ??

I like a fried fish 🙂, but I wouldn't mind trying a steak. Baked potatoes sound good, too.