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RE: Saturday Savers Club with @susie-saver | Week 48 - Saturday 26 November 2022 | EDSMM Giveaway | Win EDS for Comments - everyone welcome

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Okay we will star at the top.

Yes I do vote for witnesses, I start with the ones I know and trust, after that I do my research and decide who to support. I vote because if you do not you get what you voted for or did not vote for.

I have spent the week buying under priced tokens that I feel will go up in price. I have been picking up some EDS tokens and trying not to overspend this week.

I hope all Americans around the world are having a great Thanksgiving weekend.

That is all I have been doing this week.

Have a great week one and all




Yes I do vote for witnesses, I start with the ones I know and trust, after that I do my research and decide who to support. I vote because if you do not you get what you voted for or did not vote for.

Sound advice 😍