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RE: Do You Still Use the 'Palnet' Tag on Your Posts?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

This is interesting. I haven't been paying too much attention to it honestly, life go a little bit crazy lately.

I've got almost 4k tokens staked and have checked, sometimes I'm getting around 2 PAL, sometimes not even 1, so ... I have no idea what's going on.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I only checked a few days of history for PAL rewards. Not sure how/when they are distributed for staking, but haven't received any during these few days if I didn't miss any entry.

And on the longer run, I believe it's been months since I received more than 1 PAL, by observations of tokens accumulated from day to day (or sometimes every other day) via leo-dex.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wonder why they have even kept 5% for PoMod & 5% for PoB! Isn't it better to do away with the tribe altogether and save on server cost? Let it be 40% staking and 60% mining until it can find some more creative usecase 😊

Truth is this form of distribution which is now in place looks like a form of dropping the social media aspect, but not letting go. But without knowing more from within it's hard to say for sure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta