I was wrong - Land, Silver and Gold still Rules

in LeoFinance10 months ago

I used to believe in the internet articles and used to give value to the fad items. Like say mutual funds, stocks and other trendy crypto. But I realized today the value of the silver, gold and land. I realized why those things still hold the value in the world and it's harder to get them out of ring.

In short any article or the expert that tells you in near future there would be no value for the silver, gold and the land is deluded. And they are just kind of telling you that from their own perspective. They are locked in the ac rooms and they dont know world outside.

So let's discuss why I feel these assets have value forever.


I used to believe that silver would have no future. But I realized that poor people don't like the gold and diamond because they can't afford it. So they go heavy on the silver. Some of those dependency is where they build their life and expenses.

So the silver has a value. And no amount of crypto would make people avoid the same. You should never listen to advice that says silver is dead.


Gold jewellry reduced in sales as the marriages reduced in the last 10 years. But the overall approach of the gold is that it would continue to have takers and that means the gold has a value. You have to make sure to choose gold when all other means of the money lose value. And people did that even in the pandemic too.


People think land is not useful if you have not enough money. However people make money even if they have rental income on some land. So you have to think of the land as a potential income earner. Be it through rental or direct sale.

Because land has value that appreciates and over a period of time those small values that add up would help you out in the old age. So you have to think of the land, silver and gold as a priority for you. And never ignore them just because crypto is out there.

Real life has vey less crypto adoption and not even pandemic could replace gold, silver and land with the bitcoin.

Choose wisely.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


They make good cases to not abandon and have been around many many years. Interesting fact about gold is that it comes from stars exploding, not created on earth.