Ideapreneur vs Entrepreneur - What Are You?

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I have noticed a lot of people who are interested into startup and building a business show specific set of behavior which I call ideapreneur. In fact I worked for one such person where the startup had ideas like Elon musk and tony stark. However as the time goes ahead I noticed that most of the things about such type of owners is nothing but the ideas and fantasy. They thrive on that but they lack execution.

How come we find out we are ideapreneur or entrepreneur?


So let's check out the difference between the two types.

Ideapreneur Entrepreneur
You have many ideas in mind. With each day new idea comes into your mind. You prefer your ideas being executed. You discard many ideas to work on one.
You keep tab on the visionary people who has ideas to change the world. You keep tab on the people who can execute and can deliver on the ideas that you have market researched.
You think of ideas before doing market research. You think idea is too revolutionary that people will buy it from day one. You do market research before executing the ideas. You test out in the market if the people can buy prototype before making it a final product.
You think you will become millionaire just by launching the idea in the market. You think market and users would respond the same way as your mind tells you. You try to find out the market and user response by launching the prototype and get the feedback on your product or service.
You think angel investment or any form of investment from say like shark tank, the profit and other shows should buy your product and fund the investment purely on the basis of ideas. You plan the pitch, you show the sales, you show the market interest and execution of future product and process before asking for expansion investment.
You think if people don't understand your product then people are dumb. They are the reason why your product failed. You constantly get feedback from the people to improve the product and make sure to adjust as per the market and user experience of using the product.
You think people skills, employee management, office culture, customer support is secondary and idea is more important. You think handling customers, employee management, office culture is equally important than the product alone.
You think watching Entrepreneur shows, youtube videos and taking online courses would make you entrepreneur. You think executing the ideas and then documenting the journey is all about entrepreneurship.
You think you need to have the latest ideas all the time. Old things need to be discarded immediately. You think functional process should always exist and only the new movable components in the process should be changed with the time.
You think getting VC investment, making an exit by selling your idea is real entrepreneurship. You think working on the idea, turning it into reality and moving on to another execution while living the moment of the journey is entrepreneurship.
You think reading steve jobs content, buying apple products and following minimalism is entrepreneurship. You don't worship any entrepreneur, product, trend in the market instead use them when required.

Execution Makes the Difference

You can be in startup, business, personal finance or even in Blockchain. You will find the different results only when you execute. You can't call yourself entrepreneur unless you are executing on your plans. Everyday you should either be executing or learning on what went wrong and fixing the wrong direction. All it takes is execution.

My Goal : 10K LEO Power

So my goal is to get the 10K LEO power and I want to reach that goal before I can lend this LP through leodefi or accounts who need it. So this is just an idea for now, but how can I make it into reality? By collecting every LEO and turning into the LP. So I am walking the talk as much as possible.


You may have idea which could be far bigger than the Marvel or Elon Musk or even any scientist in NASA. But all it requires is the execution of those ideas. Unless you execute on the ideas and collected data on what works and what does not, you can't call yourself an entrepreneur.

So which one of the two are you? And how you plan on changing to be an entrepreneur? What are your long term goals and how do you plan on executing?

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