Tor Sold it's NFT for 500 ETH/2M to PleasrDAO

in LeoFinance3 years ago

NFT world is interesting. You see things which barely have any value getting sold for millions. Sometimes I wonder if people have too much empty time and the money in their bank. This NFT sold by the Tor was mere .onion URL digital NFT which got purchased by PleasrDAO.

This makes you wonder what can be used as a away to get sold in auction digitally in the world to make money from here onwards. Here's the interesting tweet from the Tor project that explains about the bid getting sold for their NFT that was placed.

You can check out the tweet.

Who is PleasrDAO?

PleasrDAO is an autonomous organization that invests into the decentralized NFTs. And they recently purchased the NFT of the Edward Snowden that says "Stay Free". It was the NFT which they paid for $5.4 million last month.

This month they paid around 500 ETH for the Tor project NFT. This 500 ETH amounts to the 2 Million USD. The current NFT purchased is basically the first .onion domain website that would be selling it's key in the autction and that is what the PleasrDAO purchased this time.

What do you think of such Auction NFTs?

As you can see the product being sold in auction does not even have that much value. And the thing is that NFT of this value seems like money laundering attempt. I mean when the price being paid for something is not reasonable. Then there are some of the variables that point to the money laundering and evasion of tax.


Though Tor project plans on using the proceeds for the improvement of the project and also would be using it for the security and other protocol improvement.

I personally think some of the NFTs of that type are clearly hard to trace back how the funds will be used. So NFT marketplace is a welcome thing but you never know who and what is behind the sales and the purchase and how the money is being moved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta