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RE: Money: The Psychology Of "Gold Digging" In Introspection.

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Omo!!!! This is huge sha.

Every relationship should have a sort of value it adds to people so yes, we are in some way, “gold diggers”.

The problem for me is if it’s a parasitic relationship. I have issues with these kinds of relationships. Those who are just in it for what they want to get.

Thank you for the deep truths you drop every time @josediccus


Well, the society we live in encourages parasitic rather than symbiotic relationships. I think people don't feel these sorts of relationship is wrong. I think someone it depends on how flawed our society is.

Where have you been, I've missed you 😄😄😄

True…. The society supports it and people need to know it’s not right.

“Where have you been, I've missed you 😄😄😄” ….Awwwww🙈.
Work has been demanding lately.
Children are on break so they come in their numbers to the clinic.
By the time I get back home, I just eat and crash. Then, it’s the next day😂

Yeah, I understand, but you should at least squeeze out one hour to keep your blog going. You know, because if you leave it for such a long time, it might be really difficult for you to find the motivation again. Anyway, I'm glad you're doing well. Hahaha I was just wondering..