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RE: DCity 3rd Edition Is Here Let's Take A Look

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

I love dCity and I hate to say this, but they took a nice clean game that was easy to understand and created a complicated mess of it. Example: there are TINY selection arrows at the bottom right in the market, When you click on them, you can barely see the content scrolling by as the window is so small, that it often cuts part of the content off. There is way too much white space (which is normally a good thing) and too much clicking around in order to find stuff.

Even logging out is odd. There's a garbage can and an arrow below it. The garbage can makes me think it is going to delete the game account, so I don't click on it. Hovering over the can and arrow, reveals nothing as a tooltip. So when I "log out" I just close the window now and assume it logs me out. Is this part unfinished?

It almost feels like this wasn't playtested with outsiders. I just wanted to buy a building and finally gave up as there was way too much going on. Give us the option of having the old market back, where I could actually buy stuff easily and let the whales enjoy this new one. I have to agree, the new interface is so busy, that I can see new people being scared away from the game. They need to strip this thing way back, inject some much-needed color and make a "lite" version and allow this complicated monstrosity to be the "Pro" version.

Don't mean to offend, but that's my honest opinion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta