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RE: Leo Talk 5/9/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Is this a thing now?:

California bar owner arrested for selling fake COVID-19 vaccine cards

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This is totally a thing now. If the guy was just handing them out like he should, he wouldn't be getting in trouble. Selling them was his mistake. There is nothing illegal about having one of these things. The vaccine is NOT mandated. It can't be. It is not approved in any way, shape, or form. It is only "Authorized for Emergency Use". No one can be forced to get it and eventually the courts will rule on it. Of course it will only happen after the shaming....

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I am not surprised. We saw all the snake oil crap when covid started the lock downs.

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It is like getting a fake ID in high school. So a bunch of grown people are going to be getting fake ids all these years later.

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I had one of those in high school, but I never had the balls to use it. If I got caught using that my father would have 'whopped my ass' but good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Too many Covid related scams going on.

According to me, vaccines are the biggest scam.

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