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RE: Daily Crypto Markets Live Blog: CryptoMarkets Still Waffling (12/10/21)

in LeoFinance2 years ago

My grandmother had food stocked away and money hidden all over the house, and even had cash buried in the backyard.

She was not playing.

Candles, batteries, and enough food to last a year. But yeah, this did cause me to think about how we would inteact with each other if TSHTF.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Whatever assets we want to save to be able to use later as money, we have to make sure it's things that other people want as well. We can corner the market on marbles, but if no one else accepts them in trade then it's the same as stockpiling hamster poop.

Just as important is learning skills needed to acquire this money. Even if you can afford the goods, you may not have the space for storing them. Gardening, farming, foraging, and hunting come in handy here for organic goods. For inorganic goods, it could be things such as repair, mining, or restoration.

One thing is for certain. Under this scenario, the economy becomes localized. Anyone trying to centralize local economies into a large economy is asking for trouble.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta