
same, might as well join em.

happy holidays

Do you do freelance too? Or business?

On a side not, do you also celebrate new year's eve with fireworks?

I have a full time job but I also do a lot of freelance work

Definitely would love to do do fireworks but not sure if I'll be able since I have covid 🙁

Get well soon. Hope you can still enjoy your new year's eve in your isolation room.

I am full time doing freelance work (no clients) so I guess we both have nothing to do this new year.

I feel you.

Nothing we can really do but enjoy the break too :)

No forex trading in new year's eve? 💭

Naa, no day trading for me from a week before Christmas to the first full week of Jan.

Been caught out by low liquidity chops too many times in the past.