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RE: Hive-Shop Is Live: Businesses Keep Growing

in LeoFinancelast year

Oh wow! Another milestone unlocked for Hive.

Do you know the developers here?
I have a suggestion.
Maybe this will be best if turned into an online e-commerce where other people can also sell their items. Not sure if Hive infra is ready for e-commerce platforms though. Maybe start with Digital Products or Online Services?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I made a comment here yesterday, kinda seconding what you said, since I've also wanted to sell certain items in a Hive-based online shop. Then I remembered HiveList Store and tried signing up for it. Less than 24 hours later, my first items are on sale. Now the question is, how quickly are they going to be seen / sold. But at least we can say that the shop is there.

oh wow thank you so much for bringing this up to me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You're welcome! It seems like of interest to you.