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RE: Espionage, innovation and undermining the world

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I think it's just a matter of time, as well as media coverage to get crypto/decentralization out there where the average Joe can understand it and see the value in it. Some will completely miss the boat, I just hope my people catch the on ramp.

In the early part of the 70's there was so much buzz about electric cars, then suddenly they were gone. I saw a documentary about how the big oil companies bought the rights and squashed any further development and production. Big money talks.

I was so bummed out by that fact, I saw the electric car as a big step toward stopping global warming.
Just imagine the positive impact we could have been realizing already if production and improvements could have moved forward some 50 years earlier.


In the early part of the 70's there was so much buzz about electric cars, then suddenly they were gone.

Supposedly, the first international car race in 1890s or something was won by an electric car - but in the end, Henry Ford's production line was cheaper to produce combustion. So, battery tech was put on hold for 100 years or so.

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