in LeoFinancelast year

Over time I have come to discover that what kills most businesses is not just the issue of time management and good planning but procrastination.

Procrastination is very dangerous and can easily kill destinies if not avoided.
Are you the type that normally set goals, resolution etc and you end up not following what it's contained. Procrastination makes an individual feels there is much more time therefore be careless, do things anyhow. Not doing the right thing at the right time is the work of procrastination.

As the year just opens up, never you be discouraged to deviate from the blueprint you have set out for the year due to unreasonable excuses. The more excuse you have the more the tendencies for the vision to be thwarted is very high. You just have to start from whatever you have. Behind every glory there's a story. Don't wait for all factors to be in order before you take any deliberate step.

When you begin with a pragmatic approach to the year's vision, certainly you make huge success at the end thereof. You can be a hero from the zero level because in life you may start from zero and end up as a hero.

For better performance and productivity, all hands must be on desk to ensure that procrastination is silenced.
In order to start up any vision for the year, please identify the appropriate environment where that vision can grow effectively. Does the environment supports your kind of business?

some tips on how to deal with procrastination.
  • Be deliberate about the usage of time and always have a planned schedule.
  • You must be disciplined. Some tasks you want to do might not be to your own convenience but you just have to do it no matter the pain.
  • Identify your distraction and avoid them.
  • Don't over burdened your self with many tasks instead one step at a time in a sequence. Don't get cumbersome and have a good time to rest so that you may be refreshed.

Starting might not be easy to start but once started you will enjoy the journey.
See you at the top. Do it now.

thanks for visiting my blog and all the comments appreciated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Procrastination can be a huge problem indeed. I used to procrastinate the most during my studies, both high school and universities :D

It will be my pleasure to share this post with my followers in the next round of my upvote giveaway. Keep up the good work :)