
Crikey! Isn't that just like terrible news for the British government, the UK finances and most of the UK population?

This is so much why I just want to get as many of my basic needs met as off-grid as possible!

I think some bank accounts are now charging people, it's only a few but it's only a matter of time until charging is standard.

That'll be a real pain for me as I have lots of bank accounts, having taken advantage of numerous 'open one and get £50 or £100 offers!

Lots to close down!

Crypto and off-grid are where it's at!

It's damn nice here in central Portugal!

Because you expect everything else to do worse?!?

I think it was Ulrich Beck who famously said the difference between governments since the 1980s compared to those before is that governments used to promise people life would get better, since the 80s they just promised them life wouldn't get any worse, now I guess they're promising that life will get worse more slowly than any other government?!?

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