Ask Leo: Has cryptocurrency been a blessing to the present generation

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I would say cryptocurrency has been a blessing to this present generation in so many ways. With the new technology advancement and introduction of cryptocurrency it has made life easier for us.

It has help to canter inflation in the economy. Most of countries currencies are devalued that is the money we gave at hand can only buy fewer goods when there general increase in price. But with cryptocurrency has the demand rises so is the the price rises and one a lot from it one sells its coin.

Transaction are made easy that is to transfer funds are made easy compared to the bank.

Cost on transaction are very low that is the cost of transaction is minimal compared to bank where they charge their customers with overcharging.

People could make a lot of fortune from cryptocurrency through buying and selling, investment and trading. There are many people that have become millionaire and billionaire through cryptocurrency.

Indeed the cryptocurrency has really made things easier and has been a blessing for the present generation.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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It's True that crypto is changing lives, especially in the developing countries. Which means crypto has been a blessing to all of us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks so much for your comment

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