Cryptocurrency is an escape route to central bank tyranny

in LeoFinance2 years ago

The central bank has hold us captive and with different policy they have taken us hostage and we never knows when we did be free but with emerge of cryptocurrency it has given us the freedom and an escape route we want from the tyranny of the central bank.
In such a way to hinder us from using crypto they ban it in some countries saying it put a threat to the economy of countries but yet we were give another key to open what the central bank think they close and give us the key of p2p.

Inflation here and there and our money value less than what it supposed to be and the price of commodities rises day by day. The paper money is so useless that it only buy few goods.

The emergence of cryptocurrency has given us the freedom we want . Given us different avenue to be wealthy and even on the television they they go against cryptocurrency and the corner of there house they do otherwise.

What do care for to be in bondage or to be free as the birds of the air. Embrace cryptocurrency and the adoption of cryptocurrency.

Thanks for checking out my blog

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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