Don’t target the bottom invest now using DCA

in LeoFinance2 years ago

Some investors are waiting and watching the market candles and chart waiting for the bottom of the market before they start to invest but they never knew the actual time when its get to the bottom because of the volatility of crypto those that predict are just gambling on the price when it will go down.
Rather of gambling and waiting for the price of a certain crypto to get to the bottom before buying rather make use of Dollar cost Averaging (DCA)

What is Dollar Cost Averaging

An investment strategy of buying a fixed amount of a certain asset at regular intervals. This is done regardless of price.

For many, this removes the emotions tied to investing. By setting up something that is automated, one knows the asset will be acquired, moving the average price around.
It is a strategy suited for long-term holdings.
Yes Dollar Cost Averaging is the best buying method which one can adopt in buying instead of timing the market when it did get to the bottom. You get to buy at different and regular interval which will help to take advantageous the volatility of the market.

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