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RE: The Expensive Price of Credibility

in LeoFinance3 years ago

As a curator of several projects on the HIVE blockchain, to be honest, I am very disappointed with some accounts that have committed violations

ohh in a way i feel you. One of the reasons i didn't want to be a curator in projects was exactly that. There would be so many violations that i would be frustrated.

btw in how many projects/tribes are you a curator? (i think you are at least in 2)

Ahh before i forget

Who is Anggrek Lestari?

i really like this paragraph that you made!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Now Im running 3 projects :)
Not easy but I have to support undervalue post on Hive and that's great thing in my live ever

Thank you if you like my words about the author :)

hehehe you are busy!!! keep it up

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta