What Are Your Hive Goals?

in LeoFinance7 months ago

I am always trying to set some goals but i fail miserably to achieve them, most of the times i even forget them. Most of the time, if for example i set 3-4-5 different goals, i will manage to forget most of them but i will always remember 1 and that one i will achieve it, so kudos to me!

On the other hand, though, i see many of you, setting different kinds of goals here on the Hive ecosystem but you are way more organized than me, tracking everything per week or per month, having Excel sheets to track your progress and in general having, a well build structure around your goals and the ways you will achieve them.

Thus, i am genuinely curious about your Hive goals, and how you plan on achieving them. Now regarding my goals, i remember planning on having 10k of Hive and 10k of LEO staked by the end of the year which won't happen. Best case scenario i may manage to accumulate 8k of Hive and 9K of LEO Staked but who knows. In any case, the 10k is a milestone for me that sooner or later i will reach it.

Now the new goal i set a couple of days ago and i will make it happen even if i have to invest some money out of my pocket is to increase by HBD amount. HBD for me is one of the best passive ways that exist out there. Currently, i have 897 HBD and the goal is to reach 1000 HBD by the end of the year by posting and commenting.

So far i have increased by posting activity and i will try to maintain it but i need to significantly increase my commenting and curating activity as well. I don't believe i will manage to get 100 HBD but i will try my best. Either way i will invest the difference out of my pocket. The 1000 HBD milestone is quite an achievement for me but still 200$ per year can't help me that much in my life but i plan to slowly but steadily increase that amount.

Hopefully the only thing that will change for coming years will be either the APR to more, or the price of Hive to more but i can predict the market so i can only hope and diversify my portfolio investing amounts that i won't miss that much if something bad happens.

Now i really want to hear about your Hive goals. Are you interested in acquiring more Hive or more HBD? Or any other Token around the Hive ecosystem? Maybe you simply want to increase your activity in here. Anything that is, i want to hear!

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I never forget my goal on here hive as I only set one goal to myself which is reaching 50000 HP (including liquid hive and HBD) in 5 years.

I officially started writing blog on hive back in late Apr / early May 2020, while I stopped nearly 9 months during 2021, then I pick it up again in late 2021, and tryna to boost my HP as much as I can.

Obviously the progress is much lower than I expected as 2022 was too hard in the crypto market, I suffer from the Luna incident, FTX incident and this year suffering quite a lot of lost on Atom.

Above facts really slow down my progress to increase my HP and it's very slim chance for me to reach my goal in my first five-years-plan on the Hive though

quite the goal! As far as i see you are doing pretty well!